Ideal Reader Profile

My ideal reader is Tony Daniels. He lives in East London and is 16 years old. He is currently out of school after leaving in Year 11 and enjoys creating and producing music on his computer. When he gets older he is hoping to get some success from the music he produces. This magazine would be perfect for Tony as he makes music in the same genre as my magazine so he obviously enjoys it very much, and is inspired by artists such as Florence & The Machine (who was chosen as most preferred cover band) as she write all of her own music. He himself is also an up-and-coming artist with the music he is producing so the magazine is perfect for him as the audience said they would most like up-and-coming artists featured in the magazine just like him. He comes from a grade C2 family (skilled working class) on the NRS social grade.

This means that his family are mainly skilled manual workers. The magazine costs (which was chosen by the audience) £2.01 - £3, which can be expensive for some people who may be in the sector. However this price including the times in which the magazine is released is both beneficial to the buyer and also the seller as it is sold month instead of weekly, making it much more affordable yet allows the magazine to receive a good profit. To cater to my general target audience like Tony, my magazine will be informal as people in this sector are still working class even though they are skilled, which means they may have dropped out of school and got a more physical job of which they eventually became skilled in. This means that they may not be able to read as well as people in the higher sectors, therefore making it informal will benefit to my target audience like Tony as he also didn't pursue higher education after secondary school was over due to bad GCSE's.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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